✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Friday, January 15, 2010

I wonder why each little bird has a someone...

I like to observe people as they rush by about their lives and they never seem to slow down and actually pay attention to what they're doing.
I wonder why some people worry themselves sick over what tomorrow will bring, when today isn't even half over.
Today at Wal-Mart i saw a lady who left her drink on the roof of her car and drove off before she could remember it was there.
I noticed someone who, in all their haste, had their hoodie on inside-out.
Someone with their backpack opened while walking through the halls.
It makes me wonder why we all seem to rush, hurry through each day.
Rush rush rush. Hurry hurry hurry. Faster.
Why don't we slow down? And enjoy the moment. We wouldn't dread the day if we stopped and and enjoyed the moment, good or bad. Every moment is a gift. A second that won't return.
A gift. A moment to appreciate what we have.

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