✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In the blink of an eye.

I see so many people, worrying about what other people think, stressing over what they should do over the weekend, continuously wondering if they are doing all they can to look perfect. To look like they have it all together and they have no problems.
Yet they miss the little and most beautiful things.
They don’t notice the bright shinning light the Sun makes when it hit’s the clouds just right, the wind that makes the leaves look as if they are dancing. The other day when I was driving in my car I turned off my iPod, the radio, and my phone when I was driving and paid attention to JUST what was outside my car.
I saw something I had never noticed before: the wind made the light fluffy snow on the ground move in swirls. The snow curled up and floated in whips, it danced. It fascinated me and it was just lovely X)
But I think people are too worried about what others think- that they miss out on what they love the most. They miss out on what they enjoy, what makes them smile, but most importantly on WHO makes them smile.
We want everyone to think we have the perfect social life, so many friends, no problems, good grades, clean bedroom, up to date with all the music, perfect weight.
We work so hard to feel important and accepted- we miss out on the best things that God gives us.
The colors of fall, the new different sights of spring, the freedom of summer and all its different adventures, the dancing snow of winter.
But most importantly: we miss out on each other. Time flies past us and we have no way to call it back.

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