✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Sometimes, when I'm reading, when I'm watching something, 
when I'm talking, when I'm listening to music, I can feel my sight
slowly fading. 
You know when you're really thirsty, but you don't realize how thirsty
you are until you get a big glass of water and drink it all? And suddenly
all the water's gone. Then you're surprised at how thirsty you were. 
It's kinda like that. 
I know my sight won't get better. In fact, it's supposed to get worse 
as time goes on. 
I'm told this a terrible situation, everyone says how sorry they are for me,
that everything will be ok. 
What's so tragic about it? 
I'm thankful for it. 
Being born with bad eye sight, the optimologist told me that my
other senses are just a liiittle stronger then everyone else's. 
I can feel when someone is in the room without them talking
or making noise. Hear something out of the ordinary. I remember the feels of fabrics, objects, things, so easily.
I know how people smell. My suitcase smells like McAllen (: a place I went last summer with my youth group for a missions trip. 
That's where I'll be again this summer. :))
I know what all the different spices in my kitchen tastes like.
My situation is like losing something that'll make you stronger. 
So, is losing my sight a bad thing? 
Everything else will get better. I'll have, like, super senses. 
A handicapped super hero.
Yeah, I'll be a handicapped super hero. (:.