✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Sunday, May 9, 2010


(I meant to post this liiiike.. 3 months ago. Oops. ^_^)
Last night, around 1in the morning, Lexie and I talked about things we thought about this whole week. 
And it made me really think of how other people make you who you are and who you aren't. People you love and care about will inspire you to be more spontaneous and express yourself more. 
But then people who are 'popular' and who carry themselves in a way that seems more superior then everyone else will encourage you to HANG ON TO who you really are.
What IS popular? I don't think it means that everyone knows you, I think it means that your friends know so much about you. I think it would suck to be 'popular.' Because everyone would know your mistakes, your struggles, your insecurities. 
And people who have never met you, would ONLY know the negative things about you. Never giving you a TRUE pure chance of friendship. I don't want everyone to know my mistakes and struggles. I wouldn't want anyone else to tell them. And I wouldn't tell them myself unless I decided they should know about something specific. I want THEM to figure out by getting to know me and knowing how I am. Then they decide if my insecurities are too much for them, or make me more of who I am.     

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