✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I. Am not. Your. Fool.

That deep burning, acidic feeling in the pit of your stomach that hurts but grows and grows because you can't control your anger.
That moment when your emotions bottle up and boil and gurgle so much you think your head will pop off.
When you're so angry your feet feel plastered to the floor and you crumble and sit there and cry and wish SOMEONE would understand.
That haunting moment of disbelief that's followed by shock and frustration and hurt-angry-feelings.
When you finally decide not to care about that person's anger towards you.
When all you want is to sit down with that person. And talk. And say EVERYTHING. And not be afraidto say it. And want to say it. And to HAVE. THEM. UNDERSTAND.

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