✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To be

Once upon a time, there was a girl: Magenta.
And ever since Magenta was little, she wanted to be an air plane. Because air planes could fly and go where ever they want and take whoever they want.
One day, when Magenta was 6, she asked her mom, "mom, why can't I be an air plane? Why wasn't I MADE an air plane since that's what I REALLY want to be?" And her mother said, "well, God made you as a girl. But He knew you would want to be an air plane, so He created you with a HUGE imagination so you can preteeeend to be an air plane. You can pretend to be an air plane all you want. You can sing about air planes. You can dream about air planes and pretend to fly like an air plane. But no matter how much you pretend or act or dream about or wish, you'll always be a girl."
So Magenta lived with those words in her heart: no matter how much you try to be something you're not or something you want to be, you will STILL always be what you were originally made to be.

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