✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hold My Heart.

If you're everything you say you are, won't you come close and Hold My Heart?
He is my Comfort. He is my strength. Who else is there to turn to, when everyone else seems
so far away?
If the one that named the stars bothered to show me the over-whelming amount of His love, then there is no one that can bring me down.
He arranged the stars to tell a secret, He told the sun to keep you and I warm, He gave the moon the task to light the path even in the darkest of nights.
He perfected everything for me.
For you.
He would rather die then live without either of us.
He takes away so we can learn to be thankful, he gives so we know that He loves the smile on our face.
He holds us through the sharpest roads to prove to us that He is the only one that can pull us through what he brought us to.
There is no greater love to experience.

He is jealous of me.
He wants me to be completely obsessed with Him because He knows that through Him, i will find my complete happiness.

Loves like a Hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his love and Mercy.
My mind can never comprehend the Love and Adoration he has for me.

Who can turn this away?:
Security, adoration, trust, comfort, friendship, love.

If the Lord is first in my life, who then should be second?
If you love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, there will be nothing left to love another. There IS no second.
The Lord is the only thing you should love.

The World, and the people in this World will let you down. But that is when Jesus says: "I'll be waiting for you to come back to me."

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