✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

That moment between asleep and awake.

Friendship. Love.
You can't have one without the other.
Friendship is knowing the flaws in someone, yet ignoring their imperfections, and adoring their exquisite qualities. Also known as Love.
Love is always being their for someone, constantly thinking of them, wanting to make them happy.
Adoring them.
Love should be pure, beautiful, and selfless.
Love should be the innocence you witness while watching a child roll down a hill.
Love should be trusting in something you can't understand, belief. Trust.
Love is like sitting in a chair. Pure habit, doubtless trust. Knowing it'll support you, even without question.
Love should be rejoicing with yourself for enduring the rough times that result with being able to love the person more.
Love is laying your life down for another. Jesus.
Love is the One that still waits for you with arms wide open ready to comfort you even when you think you've made the biggest mistake of your life.
Love is He that holds your hand, and shows you the way to go when you feel it all falling apart, and wanting to give in to the unforgiving World.
Love is The One that wipes your tears saying "it's okay, I still love you. Now lets find the good in this, and give all the glory to God."
Love is The One who HAD to make things perfect for you.
Love is Jesus.

Jesus is the one who would rather die then live without you. <3

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