✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Friday, March 26, 2010

I can see clearly now that the rain is gone.

So, I recently got glasses, and it's made a world of difference to me.
I watch people. I look at them and see the specific lines of a person's face.
I can sit outside and just look at things. And see the difference in them.
See the color. The shape. The emotion. The shade.
Some people think it's weird and creepy to just watch someone, but that's the best
way to get to know someone. By watching them.
I see more emotion in everything now.
Flowers are joyful. The sun is hopful. The moon is perseverence.
Friends are rays of hope and love and happiness and laughter.
Words are emotion. Blades of grass are those tiny little things in life that
are in your daily, everyday lives, but go unnoticed most of the time.

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