✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We live in a world where we tear down the most beautiful people just to watch the show.
We talk about others just to hear our voices.
We point out other's insecurities just to make ours less obvious.
We ignore people because we've been ignored.
We laugh at our neighbors to hide our tears.
We have created a world where being yourself is no longer admirable, but unacceptable.
We're are limited in our expressions because it's not "proper."
we have allowed people to tell us what to do and wear when we go out. Why haven't we tried to stop them? Because we are afraid of confrontation.
We shut up at insults, because we are afraid of being hurt further.
We laugh at jokes that poke fun at others, because we crave attention.
We hate because we want to be loved.

This is just my oppinion though.

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