✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Day by day, those faces constently remind me of what was, and what could still be. I miss them so much. I miss our conversations. The endless hours we spent talking about the dumbest things that never failed to make me giggle. I miss our pointless jokes that only made sense to us. But most of all I miss knowing that no matter what life threw us, we always had each other. Those two days a week, when I see you both together, I ask: "what went wrong?" What happened that changed out friendship and US so much? There isn't anything I wouldn't give just to hug you and ask to start over. But it's too late. Words have been said, lines crossed. A point has been reached where it isn't possible to turn back. 
And that's what breaks my heart the most. 

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