✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So call me crazy.

My school is a communist building. With strict rules and on lookers that stand in the hall way to make sure those rules are obeyed.
And in this building are rooms, in the rooms it is as rare to find a window as it is to find a ruby in a forest. Windows are hope. Windows are welcomings. And in the rare moments I get to see out a window, I feel as though someone can ALWAYS find hope in any situation. You just have to look and not give up.
I think rooms are extremely similar to people. Some of decorations: ways of expressing themselves. Some simply have books and lights. Facts and focuse. Some rooms are large and spacious: open to change and wanting to try new things. Some rooms have so little space that they don't want anything else to be added.
But some rooms have beautiful windows. So many windows. They have hope. Some people have hope enough to encourage thousands into believing they can capture the ocean. Some people are so optimistic and happy that every problem, to them, is an adventurous opportunity to find a reason to smile. Some rooms have really small windows that lead into a beautiful thinking place. You just have to unlock the window. Get to know the person figure out what they loooove. How they are.
I think that those certain people that never talk in class, that always have their head down, always keep to themselves, will have the most spontaneous decorations: The most wonderful souls. Allwehavetodoispaycloserattention. Askmorequestions. Lovemoredeeply. Livemorespontaneously.

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