✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

✿ Stay Beautiful ♥ ♪

Thursday, March 4, 2010

✿ Dedicated to Lexie Brooke ♥

Your imperfections make you who you are, so the next time someone-or even you- point out your flaws, remember that they make you beautiful. You're so perfect at being you, no one compares. if someone attempted all your habits and actions, it would be in vain. Because your personal intentions wouldn't be behind them. You see things I never believed possible. You answer me in ways that gives my question a new value. Your imagination is like a puzzle with a million pieces, without shape. When stirred it creates a picture completely new, unique. It paints pictures that belong in dreams. You see the world in a way that gives it a dream-like quality: restoring its beauty of a different shade. Nothing is normal, or average. Average is nothing but a setting on a washing machine. You. Are. SponTANEOUS. I see you as a beautiful adventure, someone simply waiting for the 'go-ahead' to paint the world the colors of your smile. Your songs reflect you, your snazzy and classy vibe. Your vibe of coffeeshops, jones cream soda, zebras, Colbie, and star-gazing. You inspire others to BE what they always told themselves was impossible. You inspired me to love more deeply, dream more spontANOUSLY, and doubt less You taught me to never settle with the basics, but to always ask Why? How? And How Come? You inspired me to be a better me. ♥ =)☮✿

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you described her imagination! It made me smile!
